Sunday, March 11, 2012


I am American. I'm familiar with eggs, you know,  like eggs over easy, eggs sunnyside up, eggs scrambled... but the complete egg is foreign to me. However, with that said, it never fails, every French person I've ever met knows how to eat an egg in its round cooked form. What is the name of this creature? Its name is Oeuf a la coque cuisson.

What is the translation? A soft boiled egg in its shell. Why is it frustrating? It is frustrating because every French person knows how to tackle it with grace and style.

I've been trying to eat this little cherub for years now, but it never fails, I crumble the shell into bits and pieces and it the yolk just runs down my plate, making a royal mess.

But now, it's a game. Now, I have unsuspecting guests. Yep, it's true.  There is no random chance at my house if you are served this egg. Sure, I'll invite you over for coffee, but there will be "this" egg in its holder and you bet, I'll be watching you. Why? Because I still can't do it! UGH

 My Nomadic French Husband showing me for the 50th time, how to eat this critter.

Matter of fact, my friend Lena, (little did she know it was a test), even laughed at me and told me there was a better way to eat this little egg during one of her morning visits. Soon enough, she effortlessly sliced the top off and began to eat it as if it was a right of passage; she, of course, is French.

So for now, I'm still tackling it. However, if I get the chance, and someone asks me how I like my eggs, I will say, "Just like the weather here in Southern France, "SUNNY SIDE UP!"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Carnaval! Let's party.

I have always loved Halloween and I never knew anything about Carnival or spelled Carnaval in French.
I thought Carnival was something in Rio or celebrated only in New Orleans. So it's here and it's a big event. Carnival is everywhere... in little villages and big, and there is something for everyone. 

The PTA put on a big Carnival party for the kid's school last weekend and it was just a blast. I made the whole family dressed up like pirates, which by the way, is an easy option for those in a pinch. 

Fun was had by all, but apparently it's just the beginning. Any plans for the weekend?

Destination:  Nice, France.  This main winter event on the Riviera is one of the largest carnivals in the world, offering a program of unforgettable entertainment … from 17th February to 4th March 2012.

Here are the details. You'll love their animated website and make sure your speakers are on!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Do you wear hats in Winter?

Even tomatoes 
should wear hats!

It's cold!   I thought that wouldn’t happen here, but then, I’ve only lived here for four months and researching the weather wasn’t on the “to do list” when dad got the job.

***  ***  ***

All I knew was that we were going to have far less rain than Seattle, and that was good enough for me.  It meant there was more time for me to be outside, hunting, sniffing and less time in their bathtub. 

Hunting, Sniffing, Enjoying Life
What does this have to do with tomatoes?  Sorry, I get off track easily.

When it’s cold my mom sticks on these ridiculous hats and sweaters to keep me warm, but now I just realized she does the same thing to tomatoes, so I guess, I don’t feel so bad.

Dinner is served, hats and all! 
This is tomates Farcies... otherwise known as Stuffed Tomatoes.
It's a great "cozy" meal for those cold winter nights and you'll be sure to get
all your vitamins in with these beautiful tomatoes.

The Royal Poodle is suppose to have the same intelligence as a 7-year old. I'm smart, but I cannot read, I'm letting the humans give you this recipe. If you have leftovers, please remember the 4-legged ones in your house.

Stay warm or grow your fur. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I hate when a city proves a Pisces wrong. Meet my oasis....

It's hard to be in a new city, let alone a new country. You have to figure out where things are, you miss the way things were and then, a new language.  Oh and one small detail... let's not forget to mention that you don't know a soul. So what to do? Let me rephrase it... "What the HELL do you do?" You cry, you're lonely and you also complain.  For me,  I (WINE) and then I reminisce about how perfect my other city was and what this city doesn't have. 

However, today, my city proved me wrong and not just a little wrong, but big wrong. I hate it when that happens.

You see, for me, I love water and I love to swim (Note to self... I live next to the Mediterranean Sea).  But it's winter and the sea is freezing cold. So I was complaining how this place just doesn't have the best indoor pools. They are dank, or have queer hours, or just plain dismal.  If only... and then,  I found it.
OMG did I ever find it! Meet my oasis... My new best friend...

This place is so big, I can't get it all on camera.


when I feel like jumping... 

I will jump

Do you see the slides for the kids?

right in the water!

My conclusion of the day: When you don't know a soul, you must do good things for your soul.
Find whatever it is that makes you happy, seek it out and go for it. In this case, it found me. 
I guess, it looks like I have one good reason to like this place. hmmm

Tip: Men and boys must wear those fitted swimsuits, like you know, the dreaded speedo, but they now make them to resemble biker shorts, so they are not so bad.

Info: This wonderful Oasis is open 7 days a week. For more info link to their website: Nautipolis

Friday, February 3, 2012

Cheeseburgers in Paradise and A&W Rootbeer!

I love finding a slice of America where I live.

Today in France, I was transported to one of my favorite zipcodes: 30306, the little neighborhood of Virginia Highlands in HOT LANTA.

So what did I find? 

Guissart is keepin it real with his restaurant called  Zucchini Blossum. This Generation Y guy is a quick study. After living for a short time in Phoenix, Guissart,  traveled, observed and took notes. Then, he brought back, his impressions, (his own slice of America) to his own native France.

Don't let the name fool you, Zuchinni Blossom specializes in hamburgers, Quesidillas, Chili and of course American Desserts.

The best part..  it's just hip with Free Wifi, Cool Music and good eats.

When I asked Guissart (who speaks perfect English), what style he was going for, he replied, "He just wanted to get away from the snob, protocol dining atmosphere known here in the French Riviera."

I think he nailed it. 

Complete with a quirky, 1960's goldfish aquarium, Guissart  plays very good music, and the atmosphere is just cool. Loungy.

It's therapy.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's National Crepe Day! La Chandeleur

Today is National Crepe day or
Day of Chandeleur!
I so obliged!
It is the only day I get away with human food at their table.

Let's wine about the weather. Winter is upon us in the South of France.

Not sure if the picture is blurry or if I've drunk too much wine.
It was inevitable. "It" being Winter. Winter has come to the South of France. So what to do?Good thing this country never runs out of wine. On cold nights, it comes in handy. Meet my new catholic friend, St. Emillion. My mom would be so proud to be hanging with the right crowd. But this friend is disposable.

Can I wine a bit?   Wine about the weather, wine about the region, let's wine. Wahhh.

Put on your winter caps and coats on, let's go for journey...
I'm so glad I'm welcomed to these joints.

There is one activity that you cannot get tired of in France, and that is the visits to the wineries.

Now the secret tip: They welcome kids and dogs.


Yep, these are not the wineries of California. You know what I'm talking about, those pretentiously self-important, haughty or pompous Napa wineries that we visit and dress up for, that we talk about with our so-called important neighbors or friends, that make us feel like we've arrived. Nah. Scratch that. Let's be real. And these my dear, are the real deal.
Dogs and Kids are welcomed!

So what type of wine is in my region? Today, I'll write about the region of Provence.

The  Provence Region is a large wine-producing area, best-known for its rosé wines, the most famous of which are Côtes de Provence and Côteaux d'Aix. However, the Provence vineyard also produces red wines, including some very rich red wines from the Var, and "grey wine" from the Camargue area. The most famous of the area's white wines is Bandol, celebrated since the middle ages. Note that the Provence vineyard also includes the southern end of the Côtes du Rhone AOC area.

American taste?
Okay, I admit, I'm a fan of the Shiraz. I guess too many dinners at the Outback Steak house in America. I was so happy to find the best of the best (quality and price). Meet my staple that keep me stable. It's a blend of Syrah, cabernet and grenache. The price? 5 Euros (about $7 USD).
 These babies are from my favorite winery, Domaine Nais:

 Well, I could wine all day, so I"m leaving you with some beautiful images just a few wineries in France. The presence of greatness never stops when you are on the grounds of these great domaines. Have a safe journey, and don't drink and drive! That's why you bring the kids with you. Let them drive you home. Okay, it was just a joke, but be sensible.

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